Every other Wednesday in the Pacific Daily News, Ernest Aquino, TakeCare’s wellness team lead, and Jennifer Artero, registered nurse, write Wellness Wednesdays, a column offering tips and suggestions to live a balanced lifestyle.
What you need to know about breast cancer - October 18, 2023
The average risk for a woman to be diagnosed with breast cancer sometime in her life is about 13%, equating to odds at an alarming 1 in 8 chances. It accounts for nearly 30% of all new female cancers each year. The Department of Public Health and Social Services’ top priority is educating women on what they can do to be proactive with their breast health and wellness.
To read the rest of the column, click here
Soursop: Our local superfruit? - October 25, 2023
Annona muricata, locally known as soursop, is a tropical fruit-bearing plant that is known for its numerous potential health benefits for centuries. The plant produces edible fruit (commonly called laguanå, graviola, or guanabana) year-round and is widely used around the world as a traditional remedy for skin disease, respiratory disease, fever, bacterial infections, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer. Different parts of the plant have been used for different activities: the seeds to fight parasitic infections; the fruit for arthritis, nervous disorders, and diarrhea; and the leaves are used for cystitis, headaches, insomnia, and possibly cancer.
To read the rest of the column, click here
Ernest Aquino is TakeCare’s wellness team lead & lifestyle coach. He can be contacted at Ernest.Aquino@takecareasia.com. Jennifer Artero, is a registered nurse. She can be contacted at Jennifer.Artero@takecareasia.com.