Every other Wednesday at the Pacific Daily News, Ernest Aquino, TakeCare’s wellness team lead, and Jennifer Artero, registered nurse, write Wellness Wednesdays, a column offering tips and suggestions to live a balanced lifestyle.
A path to heart health and wellness - February 14, 2024
Happy Valentine’s Day! As we commemorate American Heart Month, let’s embark on a journey of heart health awareness and action. It’s the most important organ in the human body, however, sometimes the most neglected. According to the Office of Minority Health, Pacific Islanders, we are 10% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease than non-Hispanic whites. This alarming statistic underscores the need for targeted awareness and proactive measures within our diverse population. Heart-related health issues, as we know, vary among different Asian and Pacific Islander sub-populations, emphasizing the importance of personalized health strategies.
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Dietary supplements: Worth the cost? - February 28, 2024
The industry of vitamins and dietary supplements is continuously growing as new products are released at a rapid pace. It can be challenging to choose the most appropriate item, let alone to understand what is safe and what is not. Regarding vitamins, most of us are able to get the required nutrients through a well-balanced diet. If we have a diet that consists of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits and vegetables, we don’t necessarily need vitamins or supplements. However, it is essential that our diet consists of a variety of nutrient-dense foods and we don’t limit our meals to the same food items.
To read the rest of the column, click here
Ernest Aquino is TakeCare’s wellness team lead & lifestyle coach. He can be contacted at Ernest.Aquino@takecareasia.com. Jennifer Artero, is a registered nurse. She can be contacted at Jennifer.Artero@takecareasia.com.