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Newsletter Issue: May 2024
Balance Lifestyle

Every other Wednesday in the Pacific Daily News, Dr. Vincent S. Duenas, an internal medicine physician at the FHP Health Center and chief medical officer at TakeCare Insurance Company, Inc, writes Wellness Wednesdays, a column offering suggestions to live a balanced lifestyle.

The 2023 Pika’s Best Family Physician, Dr. Duenas’ most recent columns are below and linked to the original columns at

If you have a question, you can contact Dr. Duenas via email at

Wellness, a community based approach - May 15, 2024

I was stopped at a red-light at the ITC intersection one evening when I noticed a large group of individuals in the Tamuning park actively engaged in a hula dance class. Close by, there were lively basketball and pickleball games going on, while others utilized the newly installed outdoor gym equipment. As a physician, it was a beautiful sight to see, so many people outside physically active, socializing, and just having a great time. It made me think about how Guam could be health-wise if that was commonplace. 
To read the rest of the column, click here

Transcranial magnetic stimulation - May 29, 2024
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Considering the high prevalence of anxiety and depression on Guam and worldwide, and the limited treatment options, I felt it important to highlight a new lifeline now available on the island that can help alleviate some of these challenges. It’s called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. TMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate brain activity. This cutting edge technique can improve symptoms of major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and anxious depression by altering the electrical signals in the brain, causing neurons to better communicate with one another.
To read the rest of the column, click here