Every other Wednesday in the Pacific Daily News, Ernest Aquino, TakeCare’s wellness team lead, and Jennifer Artero, the diabetes educator at the TakeCare Wellness Center, co-write Wellness Wednesdays, a column offering tips and suggestions to live a balanced lifestyle.
Improve your diabetes health with exercise - August 17, 2022
Increased physical activity and exercise are essential to managing and improving diabetes-related outcomes. However, the two are often interchanged when they are two separate things. Physical activity is any bodily movement that requires you to burn energy. These movements are related to your daily activities, occupation and leisure. Exercise is an activity that is planned and structured, typically with the purpose of improving your health. This can be going to the gym, daily walks, weekly group fitness classes, etc.
To read the rest of the column, click here
Ernest Aquino is TakeCare’s Wellness Team Lead & Lifestyle Coach. Ernest.Aquino@takecareasia.com or message him on WhatsApp (671) 727-5713. Jennifer Artero, RN, MSN, is the diabetes educator at the TakeCare Wellness Center. She can be contacted at Jennifer.Artero@takecareasia.com.