Every other Wednesday in the Pacific Daily News, Ernest Aquino, TakeCare’s wellness team lead, and Jennifer Artero, the diabetes educator at the TakeCare Wellness Center, co-write Wellness Wednesdays, a column offering tips and suggestions to live a balanced lifestyle.
Walk Your Way to Controlling Diabetes - September 21, 2022
Most people know that physical activity and exercise are important to managing diabetes. However, trying to figure out the best type of exercise for you could be challenging. HIIT, max heart rate, mini-workouts, reverse running, smart mirrors. There are so many programs, equipment, and technologies that even thinking about starting a program may give you a headache. And for older adults, the risk of injury may be heavy on your mind. To read the rest of the column, click here
Ernest Aquino is TakeCare’s Wellness Team Lead & Lifestyle Coach. Ernest.Aquino@takecareasia.com or message him on WhatsApp (671) 727-5713. Jennifer Artero, RN, MSN, is the diabetes educator at the TakeCare Wellness Center. She can be contacted at Jennifer.Artero@takecareasia.com.